A New Suzy Book’s On The Way!

Hi everyone! Sorry it’s been a long time since I blogged, I’ve been very busy finishing off the third Suzy P book! Exciting, right? So I hope you think the blog post has been worth the wait because… Drum roll… Trumpet fanfare… Excited claps and cheers… Here’s the cover for the new Suzy book, SuzyContinue reading “A New Suzy Book’s On The Way!”

In Which I Do A Bit More Blogging

As I mentioned yesterday I’ve been visiting various book bloggers of late, where I’ve been lucky enough to be invited onto their blogs. The lovely Jesse, over at the FANTASTIC blog books4teens, asked me to do a piece about writing sequels for his Behind The Books section. They’re harder than you’d think, sequels, y’know… readContinue reading “In Which I Do A Bit More Blogging”